Easy Peanut Butter Cookies
October 25, 2017
Easy to bake, delicious to eat Peanut cookies with only 4 ingredients.

This is my third post on peanut cookies, and this is easiest to bake.
With only 4 ingredients and a cheat 'method' to achieve that smooth, soft and melt-in the mouth texture.
Bonus!!! I made a video to show you steps by steps on making these delicious, decadent, moreish peanut cookies.
My first Peanut cookies post was published in my early blogging days, back in 2010.
We were about to celebrate Chinese New Year.
Why Peanut cookies for Chinese New Year?
I guess it must have some meaning... (I must find out from hubby .. if he too knew the significant of having peanut cookies on that day)
Any way...
going back to that old post... as you may have noticed!
I was really following the recipe.
Roasting, grinding peanuts... all the hardwork!!! where I can easily substitute with PEANUT BUTTER!!!

I was wiser in baking my second peanut cookies, which I posted late last year... Spiced Peanut Butter Cookies.
I used cinnamon flavoured peanut butter!
Christmas baking will soon begin...
Lets bake this traditional plain old peanut cookies... without the hassle of roasting, grinding peanuts...
This time, with only 4 ingredients used.
For vegan version Peanut cookies, just omit the final part of glazing/ brushing the egg yolk.

Do enjoy the short video on how to bake these delicious peanut cookies below :D.
For more videos: Subscribe to my Youtube channel

This is my third post on peanut cookies, and this is easiest to bake.
With only 4 ingredients and a cheat 'method' to achieve that smooth, soft and melt-in the mouth texture.
Bonus!!! I made a video to show you steps by steps on making these delicious, decadent, moreish peanut cookies.
My first Peanut cookies post was published in my early blogging days, back in 2010.
We were about to celebrate Chinese New Year.
Why Peanut cookies for Chinese New Year?
I guess it must have some meaning... (I must find out from hubby .. if he too knew the significant of having peanut cookies on that day)
Any way...
going back to that old post... as you may have noticed!
I was really following the recipe.
Roasting, grinding peanuts... all the hardwork!!! where I can easily substitute with PEANUT BUTTER!!!

I was wiser in baking my second peanut cookies, which I posted late last year... Spiced Peanut Butter Cookies.
I used cinnamon flavoured peanut butter!
Christmas baking will soon begin...
Lets bake this traditional plain old peanut cookies... without the hassle of roasting, grinding peanuts...
This time, with only 4 ingredients used.
For vegan version Peanut cookies, just omit the final part of glazing/ brushing the egg yolk.

Do enjoy the short video on how to bake these delicious peanut cookies below :D.
For more videos: Subscribe to my Youtube channel

I do love peanut cookies. Especially 4 ingredient ones :-) These sound delicious! - Danielle