Kuih Loyang
September 06, 2016
Kuih Loyang | Honeycomb cookies | Rose cookies, is Malaysian traditional festive must have cookies.
It is crispy, light, sweet and creamy from coconut milk.

Food and Story
Kuih loyang | honeycomb cookies triggered some childhood memories.
And it was about this time of year when everyone was once again busy preparing to celebrate Eid-ul-Adha.
Eid al-Adha,is an Islamic festival to commemorate the willingness of Ibrahim (also known as Abraham) to follow Allah's (God's) command to sacrifice his son Ishmael. Muslims around the world observe this event, it is also known as Sacrifice Feast, celebrated after the pilgrimage to Mecca)
I must have been about 7 or 8 years old.
I was at my neighbour's house, not far from my house. My neighbour has a daughter, my age.
Talking about tiger mom, my mom had one strict rule!
Never to eat at anyone's house! unless you get her permission prior!
We were playing, and after a while, kids being kids, we got bored.
What caught our attention next was this big tray of kuih loyang / honeycomb cookies, hot from the pan.
My friend's mother (my neighbour) perched on a small stool by the huge wok filled with hot oil!
She was busy dipping, frying and scooping golden colours crispy goodies.
Looking at us girls, bored plus our eyes were glued to the big tray next to her hot wok, she told us to help her 'arrange' kuih loyang.
And as a reward for helping out, we get to eat the 'not-so-nice' ones :)
Seriously I couldn't remember how many I ate while stacking... and I was supposed to be home for lunch.
Lost track of time.
I hastened my steps home.
Oh boy!!!
One look at my mom.
I knew I was in deep s**t :(

What is Kuih Loyang
Honeycomb cookies also known as rose cookies, beehive cookies or kuih loyang (in Malay) is not actually cookies!
It is sweet alright!
Most of us would equate cookies as something bake not fried ;P like chocolate chip cookies or custard cookies etc
In Malay language, everything is 'kuih', regardless whether it is savoury or sweet, with exception of baked 'cookies'.
That, we call it biscuits :D, after all Malaya was colonised by British, once upon a time.

Kuih Loyang recipe
This kuih loyang / honeycomb cookies recipe, courtesy from my late mom-in-law.
Not only her recipe has made its way to Perth, some of her well loved moulds as well.

How to store Kuih Loyang
These golden honeycomb cookies / kuih loyang is crispy, light, not so overly sweet, not oily.
They kept well in an air-tight container.
But I can tell you that they won't last the week.
Not because they are easily spoil, mouldy or becomes rancid (lemau) as soon as they are bottled.
Just because...
One bite, one crunch and you'll be forever smitten by this kuih loyang :)
and you just can not stop at one!
Wishing all my readers who celebrate Eid-ul-Adha
Eid Mubarak
Kuih Loyang
175g tepung beras
2 biji telur (berat 120g)
175ml santan
120g gula halus
Pecahkan telur ke dalam santan dan kacau hingga sebati
Tepung beras dan gula dimasukkan ke dalam mangkuk
Tapiskan campuran santan ke dalam tepung
Kacau hingga sebati
Panaskan minyak dengan api sederhana
Panaskan acuan kuih loyang di dalam minyak
Celupkan sampai acuan ke dalam adunan tepung beras
Goreng sehingga keemasan.
Simpan ke dalam bekas kedap udara.

Such a pretty and delicate treat! Very tempting. Nice video too.
Telur saiz A atau apa2 saiz pun boleh?
DeleteAkak not sure telur size A tu besar mana... yang akak pakai lebih kurang 50g berat tanpa kulit telur.